Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Calling All Writers

Blogger Rebellious Arab Girl is calling for contributors to her new e-zine, Arabs from Generation X. She's seeking punchy articles on the following topics:
1. Growing up abroad as an Arab.
2. Media influence on Arabs abroad and back home.
3. New ideas that changed Arab’s view on society and the world.
4. Arab politics and it’s effect on generation X’s view point of the world.
5. Latest news from around the globe that effect Arabs.
6. Arabs' contribution to society and the world. (ie. science, technology, etc). Great place to write a profile of a colleague or friend who deserves recognition.
7. History, what have Arabs done that shaped the world?
8. Cartoons and art work by great Arab talent.
9. Humour.

Assistant editors and designers are also sought. Read the posts and contact Rebellious Arab Girl on rebelliousarabgirl (at) gmail.com.

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